2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020

During the onset of the outbreak, Migrant x Me partnered NGO SG Accident Help Centre (SGAHC) to raise funds and necessities for the migrant workers’ immediate needs.

In March 2020, we distributed care packs to 1,000 migrant workers in Tai Seng, as many of the factory-converted dormitories lived in the vicinity.

When the situation worsened, we raised $81K to purchase necessities for the migrant workers. These necessities included vitamins and data top-ups.

Through another NGO, Hagar Singapore, Migrant x Me channeled additional donations of necessities to migrant workers living in WestLite Juniper Dormitory, such as face masks and hand sanitisers. We also partnered with SGAHC to oversee in-kind corporate donations from Sonata Dancewear and Siege Advanced Manufacturing to serve workers that visit SGAHC.

For a long time — during Circuit Breaker and far beyond — many dormitories were put under isolation and were not given clear instructions, which meant them needing assistance for their everyday needs.

COVID-19 Migrant Support Coalition (CMSC) was a ground-up initiative started by a few organisations within the migrant worker landscape. Together, we addressed both critical needs as well as longer-term programmes and services to meet the workers’ evolving needs.

Migrant x Me primarily helmed a department of volunteer designers to support CMSC’s initiatives. Due to the avalanche of directives, guidelines and information, many migrant workers felt fearful and anxious. We therefore created collaterals in their native language that were clear and concise, focusing on key information that they needed to know.  

As the pandemic raged on, we observed a rising need for casework. Migrant x Me was involved in providing manpower for CMSC’s casework department, which centres on taking calls from migrant workers seeking assistance.

As more workers faced distress and anxiety, while being isolated indoors, there was also a pressing need to engage the workers who were living in temporary dorms set up by the government

In the later part of the year, together with SG Accident Help Centre we had a dorm engagement at a temporary dorm in the East with 157 workers!

1. Stage Games
2. Zumba Dance Exercises
3. Relaxtion Techniques

Thank you to Art of Living for leading the workers in some simple breathing and relaxation exercises!

Journey to the West for another dorm engagement session completed with freestyle dancing sessions for the 40 migrant workers who were on their weekly rest day!